首页 币圈新闻 区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”

区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”


区块链巨型巡礼播放【第121期】#数字货币付出# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”



the relative concept of digital currency is quite forward-looking. this year, digital currency has become a brand-new concept popular in the industry. there is no unified boundary. if we want to trace the source, we need to start from the concept of electronic currency, electronic money refers to the payment or advance made through direct transfer of sales terminals and equipment. the bank for international settlements believes that electronic money may affect the monetary policy of the central bank, for example, the link between interest rates that affect central bank control and major market rates.

in the long run, the central bank has the monopoly power to issue money, and also basically holds the power to issue major electronic money. electronic money has brought great impact on the theoretical framework of monetary policy, the controllability, measurability and relevance of money have changed. with the arrival of new technology, a new network of electronic money that may be out of the control of the central bank has gradually emerged, the concept, scope and transfer mechanism of money are changing, in which large amount and small amount, bank and non-bank, central and decentralized form of money and the profound impact of money transfer, this is reflected in the amount of money, prices, velocity of money and deposit reserve system impact.

区块链巨型巡礼播放【第121期】#数字货币付出# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”






区块链巨型巡礼播放【第121期】#数字货币付出# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”



关于作者: szhbsd
